Guess you could look here <a href=""> </a> but what I eventually tell all artists: Work close to home, take a small notebook full of your work, and visit restaurants, hospitals, old age centers, preschools, entertainment centers.. do menus, murals, business card graphics, sandwich boards, t-shirts...
I've got a few 4 foot long, two man saws. Every time I see them in public, they're hanging up in a restaurant somewhere, usually tastefully painted/decorated.. not sawing wood :| As a blue collar guy, I say it better to work smarter than harder, but to get started, you have to diversify and simply get your name (website) out on the street!
When I met Tom on Pico Day, I suggested there be some way, other users can patronize certain or all artists, with their own ad-rev page impressions... wish I had the money to spread around :(
Yeah, I wasn't sure if I could make a commission thread on the art forum so I just decided against it. I think this is fine though.